Saturday, March 3, 2012

One more year...

The 28th of February was one year since Violet's open heart surgery. It is amazing to see how far she has come and how wonderful she is doing! Please leave your well wishes and encouragement for her in the comments section. It will be great for her to look back on one day!

There once was a little girl that had so much love in her heart that it was spilling out. So the Drs had to go in and put a patch on her heart to hold all the love inside. 

Mommy and Daddy love you Violet

And look at her now...


  1. Sweet, Precious, baby girl we love you so much!!!

  2. Beautiful Violet!!! I've really enjoyed watching you grow this last year. You and your wonderful mommie have been an inspiration to me and my little family. Keep growing little Violet and sharing your wonderful story with us! :)

    Aunt Stephanie Rudd <3

  3. Happy Heart Birthday, Violet! May you continue to shine your light of love all over the world.

  4. Love her! She's such an amazing little girl. I look forward to some video of her playing that piano ;)

  5. Happy Heart Day, Beautiful Girl!!! I remember this day a year ago so well. So many of us were praying for you and cheering you on. We love you, sweet V!!!

  6. Ralph & I Love you Little Angel! Happy Heart Day Sweetie! Many (((hugz))) & kisses... <3 <3 <3

  7. Happy Heart Birthday Violet!! Your such an amazing strong little girl and I love to watch you grow and grow each day!!

  8. Happy Heart Birthday, sweet Violet. Your heart is a miracle that I am so thankful for. Many blessings to you on this day and every day forward. Love you to the moon and beyond! <3

    Auntie DeeDee :)

  9. Me and Ashlyn have so enjoyed reading your updates and beautiful pictures!

  10. You are so amazing Violet!! Me, Cory and your friend Kolby send love and hugs. Happy happy heart birthday to youuuuuuuu!!!!!

  11. Beautiful girl!!! awesome photos. Keep on growing Miss Violet! My son had a difficult start too but he is thriving now at 12.

  12. And we know her Auntie Kim loves her to the moon!<3
