Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Regression is an evil word. A word that is stealing my child away from me. My beautiful baby girl no longer wants to be held. No longer gives love. No longer plays peek a boo. No longer hugs. No longer waves. No longer.....just keep the list going because this is what Autism has taken from us and keeps taking from us. Regression is the term the Dr.s use to describe what she is dealing with. We are being scheduled for an MRI to check for a brain tumor or brain damage just to be on the safe side...but this is common for Autism.

I miss my baby girl's arms wrapped around my neck. I miss her snuggles. I hate seeing her work so hard to learn something only to have it stolen away from her memory. I'm holding on the best I can but sometimes the threads holding me together seem so weak.

Of all the things I miss....I miss this the most.


  1. Oh Amber- My heart goes out to you. Stay strong and help your little flower grow tall. She loves you with all of heart.

  2. I love you both, so sorry amber. You have my prayers.

  3. Amber, you don't even know me - but I'd love to try and reach you privately for something I'd like to give you. Can you e-mail me?


  4. It may not always be like that. My son Riley is autistic and he is very loving and affectionate. Plus kids with DS are so affectionate that side of her may overcome the autistic tendency to pull away. Don't give up!

  5. Hang in there. I have a child with autism who is affectionate as well. It can happen, but it will happen on her terms. Join her wherever she is at. Autistic folk can prefer side-to-side approaches/contact to face on, so you could try that. Sending waves of empathy to you. Erin
